Saturday, February 23

try till you cry

Growing up there was a phrase that was used by our coaches to push us towards excellence. 'Try until you cry, train until you die.' This motivational bark falls into the same genre as 'no pain, no gain' and 'no guts, no glory'.  It helped charge us up to extend beyond ourselves towards our outer limits.

These phrases are about heart, desire, effort, will, passion, commitment, and engagement.

The Scriptures are full of examples of men and women who showed heart, desire, effort, passion, commitment, and pro-activeness to the Lord and His kingdom.  Theirs was a whole hearted devotion, a ruthless persevering until they crossed the finish line.

Jesus and the early church 'devoted themselves' day and night to intercession (Acts 1:14; 2:42). Without ceasing we are called to the same discipline of prayer (1 Thess. 5:17).  

There is huge benefit and great reward for such a 'hartnaeckige Leidenschaft' ruthless devotion, none the least of which is God being glorified.  

Gaelic PrayerWarriors, we are reminded today, that God has posted us, His watchmen, on the wall to remind Him day and night, giving Him no rest until He establishes and makes Ireland  a praise to His name throughout the whole world.  (Isa. 62:7,8)

Remember: "without ceasing!" :-)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

no rest baby -no rest! TGBTG! :-)