Friday, February 22

doing the side-step

Celtic Irish Rugby looks like a lot of fun for an 'old american footballer'. I imagine this sport is all about facing your opponent head on and then doing lots of fancy side-stepping to the score.

Sometimes, however, our opponent is bigger, faster, smarter and stronger. That means double trouble. When the two come together there is a flash, a boom, and a bang! Let the chips fall where they may. The victor comes out on top.

In the Book of Acts Luke records for his readers three times an incident that changed the course of one man's life, who in turn, then was used by God to change the course of many men's lives - even the course of history.

This man met his opponent and there was truly a flash, a boom and a bang! It was lights, sound and action! It was about seeing, hearing, and believing! He saw a light and was blinded, he heard a sound and was able to distinguish a voice (Acts 9, 22, 26), he had just run head long into his challenger.

Interestingly enough however, this man's teammates saw the same light but it wasn't intense enough for them to be blinded by it, they also heard the same sound but it wasn't clear enough to be recognized, they had just done a side-step with eternity.

Acts 22:14-16 sums it up! We read: 'The God of our fathers has chosen (him) to know his will and to see the Righteous One and to hear the words from his mouth...(He) got up, was baptized .. and called on the name of the Lord.'

Gaelic PrayerWarriors, please continue to pray that our dear Irish friends, truly see the Righteous One, that they recognize the Righteous One's voice and respond to Him in faith by calling on his name!

No more side-stepping eternity! May there be a big head-on collision!

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